Saturday, 21 January 2012


How to Apply “the Acid Test” To Almost Anything in Your Life

The Acid Test is defined as the true (or conclusive or decisive) test of the believability of something. The principle of the acid test says:
“You cannot conclude that something is positive until it is tested with the negative and it still remains positive!”
For example…
1.       You cannot be sure that somebody is not a thief until when there is something to steal and the person does not steal.
2.       You cannot conclude that you are morally strong until you have been tested with immorality/seduction and you still did not bow (or give in).
3.       You cannot be certain that you are a gentle person until someone provokes you but you still remain calm, cool, collected and speak soft words.
4.       You cannot really be sure that you love someone (same sex or opposite sex) until when a situation makes the person unlovable and you still express love to the person (this is Agape love).
5.       You might not be able to tell yet that you don’t cheat in exams until you find yourself in an exam hall and you DON’T know the answer but you still did not cheat.
6.       You cannot really say that a person is a giver until he gives even when he has so little.
7.       You cannot conclude that you have integrity until when others around you are compromising and you still remained uncompromising (or when you are alone).

So next time you find someone claiming to be something, you might want to ask yourself, “Has he/she passed the acid test for his claim?” Also before you claim you are something, be sure you have passed the acid test for that thing.

God bless you.

Tolulope Ahmed,
Author of the 10 Absolutely Unbreakable Laws of Academic Excellence,
Network Marketer, Privilege Pack of Avenues to Wealth, Nigeria.
+2348033924595 | +2348156924520
BlackBerry PIN: 22559139


How to take advantage of the TRENDS in the 21st Century
I’m writing this article in order to prepare you for the future. By now everyone should be aware that we have moved away from the INDUSTRIAL into the INFORMATION Age. But more and more studies have even shown that we’ve moved from the information age and have entered into the COMMUNICATIONS AGE [the 21st Century]. So we are presently in the Communications age aka “The Age of the Internet and Mobile technology” or just simply; “The Age of the Internet”.

But even this age of the Internet has also undergone series of TRENDS since we’ve entered into it. And you should know that ONLY THOSE WHO UNDERSTAND THE TREND OF THINGS CAN REALLY TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS AGE AND THE FUTURE.
The Bible explains it simply that “the people who understood the times and season are ALWAYS in command and they can determine what the nations ought to do per time” (1Chronicles 12:32 and Esther 1:13).

You must understand the trends of the times (or Age) you are in…
If you’ve studied well enough you will realize the following trends have occurred in this age of the Internet [and the next thing on the line is e-COMMERCE]:

Invention of the Computer --> The internet -->  e-mails --> Search Engines  -->  Social Networking Platforms -->  e-COMMERCE. [e-commerce is the "state of the art"]

1.       INVENTION OF THE COMPUTER—When the computer was invented, it was nothing more than a box. It was just like an advance calculator. In fact, only few people (like programmers, software gurus, etc.) COULD use it. Enters the internet…

2.       THE INTERNET—When the internet came (in 1993), it made the computer to be able to connect to the world [using the World Wide Web a.k.a. www]. People then began to experience a taste of the real meaning of “connectivity”. Enters the e-mails…

3.       e-MAILS—When e-mails came, it was easy for people to send messages (and feel connected) to everyone in the world. Distance became not so much of an issue because of the power of e-mails combined with the World Wide Web (www). This was just a taste of what was to come. Enters Search Engines…

4.       SEARCH ENGINES—This was the true revolutionary way of DEMOCRATIZING KNOWLEDGE. Google is the leading search engine in the world. Google came in with the purpose of making education (and knowledge) absolutely FREE! The vision of Google today is simple: “To create THE ULTIMATE KNOWLEDGE RESOURCE for the world”. This means if you need almost any knowledge, you can query Google and you will be able to get the MOST ACCURATE information about it. Wow! This is gigantic (or like somebody said “This is ginomous” pronounced “jai-nau-mous”). This is a first true feeling of the Information Age by everyone because Information simply became FREE! If someone asks you a question, instead of saying “I don’t know”, just say, “give me some minutes”, then paste the question in Google and whap! You have your answer! It’s amazing! Enters the Social Networking Platforms…

5.       SOCIAL NETWORKING PLATFORMS—This is the reigning thing today: Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, Google+, Blackberry Messenger, WhatsApp, 2go, Live Profile, etc. Facebook’s vision is simple: “To create the ULTIMATE HUMAN CONNECTION in the world.” This means if you think about any human being, you can start a connection with him immediately (because no one is ever far away from you again). Twitter creates a wonderful learning and mentoring platform, etc.  It’s wonderful. The big thing on the line is e-COMMERCE…

6.       e-COMMERCE—Online trading is the wave of the future. [Actually it is not even the future. The future we are talking about is already here, it’s just that it has not been evenly distributed]. I read recently that over the last few years, most trading activities happen online. Most Banking activities for example happen online. This means close to about 80% of banking activities happen without the involvement of human beings. Cashless Lagos has been launched, e-commerce is the way to go! Bill Gates said “In the nearest future, there will only be two kinds of business people: those who are doing business online, and THOSE WHO ARE NOT DOING BUSINESS AT ALL!”

Please understand that the internet is going to be a platform where the majority of things in the economy will run. But you must also understand that e-commerce is the next big wave. You must understand what time it is. If by now you’re still behind in the things listed above, you know you really have a lot of work to do in order to keep up. Let me ask you the following questions:

1.       Do you have a COMPUTER?
(I think it’s backward thinking to think that not everyone should have a computer. You have no idea what you’re missing if you don’t have one. If you don’t have one, set a goal with a DEADLINE of when you will get one. You will realize it is just a door to where we are still going).
2.       Do you constantly USE THE INTERNET productively?
I know that internet connection may be quite expensive around your area; but the question is “are you taking responsibility for your INTERNET CONNECTION”? (You can plan to get a good phone e.g. the Blackberry, Nokia smart phones, a modem, etc. You certainly cannot know how much you’re missing and going to miss if you are not connected).
3.       Do you have a functioning E-MAIL ADDRESS?
(You may be surprised that some of your friends do not even have one. Some they have but they’ve not even checked their e-mails in the last 5 months or so).
4.       How often do you use SEARCH ENGINES to solve your problems or challenges?
(You may be surprised that you might still be working with people who ‘think’ knowledge is still something locked up in text-books and in the mouth of teachers and lecturers. Let me announce it again that education has been free since the inception of search engines).
5.       What do you use SOCIAL NETWORKING SITES for?
(Know this, if you’re not using it to make progress in your life and the lives of others, you are going backwards because really, there is no stagnancy in this age. Things are moving so fast that if you stop, you are only going backwards).
6.       Are you prepared for e-COMMERCE?
How much do you know about online trading? (I challenge you today to study about this, research into it and try to get an experience in it. Do you use internet banking? Start with using internet banking service. Try to make your first purchase online. Get an experience!)

Remember, “the future is already here. It’s just that it is not evenly distributed”. But we can press into it. YOU can press into it! Get online, keep yourself current with the present Age and with the wave that is building. Stay relevant in this 21st Century and together, we (especially the youth of this country) can start now to bring positive change to our nation!

See you at the top of the topmost top. Thank you. I love you!

Tolulope Ahmed, ,,,
+2348033924595, +2348156924520 (WhatsApp), BlackBerry PIN: 22559139


What You Must Never Forget About “Love

One main thing you must never forget about love is this: The word "love" is LIMITED in the English language. We use it usually very loosely, usually with ignorance such that the person saying it and the person hearing it are confused but they are not aware. We say things like: I 'love' my covenant friend (same sex), I 'love' my wife (opposite sex), I 'love' banana (object), I 'love' my mother, etc. But in all of these instances, we can see CLEARLY that we do not mean the same thing!

That's why in the Greek (which is more developed), the word “love” is represented with different Greek words:
1.       We have "eros" meaning "physical ATTRACTION to a person",
2.       "Phileo" meaning "APPRECIATING a person's character", and
3.       "agape" meaning "unreserved commitment to ADDING VALUES TO the other person regardless of feelings".

Therefore, when somebody says, "I love you", you wonder what he is saying exactly. Is he saying "I am physically attracted to you (i.e. eros)" or "I like and appreciate you as a person—your personality (not your physical outlook) [i.e. phileo]" or "I want to commit myself to ADD VALUES to you regardless (i.e. agape)".

Did you notice that the “agape” love is the only kind of love that is a VERB? (The Greek: “Agapao” is the verb for agape).

A person who wants to express the agape love to you in English would say something like:

"I want to love you (regardless)" or “I want to be committed to ADDING values to you (regardless)” or “I want to relate with you, not just as who you are, but as a better person you could become as I add values to you (regardless of my feelings” (a verb not a noun as in "I love you" because that is confusing). The agape love is a self-less love and it implies that I want to be committed to adding values to your life regardless of whatever may happen. This was the kind of love Jesus expressed to the world when he gave himself.
And that is even supposed to happen in the confines of courtship with MARRIAGE IN VIEW (or better put, in the confines of marriage where courtship is just a necessary process [if you understand what I mean]). This is the reason the Scriptures command:

 “Husbands, love (Agapao) your wife…” (Eph. 5:25)

However, a person who really understands (and has capacity for) the 3 kinds of love is the person who you know even has the ability/capacity to really love you in the first place. The 3 combined in the appropriate way is the REAL LOVE—the real concept of love.

Be careful therefore, the way you use the word “love” or the way you hear it when someone says it—whether to you or to someone else. Try to understand what they are saying indeed, so that they don’t confuse you (or others) even if they are not aware that they are confused. Simply say (if that is what you genuinely mean), “I am physically attracted to you”, or “I really appreciate your wonderful personality” or “I want to be unreservedly committed to meeting your needs” [instead of “I love you”].But remember “in the confines of marriage in view where COURTSHIP is just a NECESSARY PROCESS”. [Note: Courtship is properly defined as the interaction between two people of the opposite sex with marriage in view and with the guidance of mentors].

The "eros" love should be considered last in the list because "The outward man perishes day by day and beauty is vain" (2Cor. 4:16 and Prov. 31:30). This is very important!

God bless you.

Tolulope Ahmed,
+2348033924595 | +2348156924520 (WhatsApp)
Blackberry PIN: 22559139

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Messianic Prophesies About Jesus Christ (Amazing!)

1.    Seed of a Woman (Genesis 3)
2.    Born in Bethlehem (Micah 5)
3.    Time for His Birth (Daniel 9)
4.    To be Born of a Virgin (Isaiah 7)
5.    Slaughter of the Innocents (Jeremiah 31)
6.    His Ascension to God’s Right Hand (Psalm 68)
7.    Flight to Egypt (Hosea 11)
8.    Declared the Son of God (Psalm 2)
9.    Galilean Ministry (Isaiah 9)
10.    A Prophet (Deuteronomy 18)
11.    To Heal the Brokenhearted (Isaiah 61)
12.    Rejected by His Own People (Isaiah 53)
13.    Triumphant Entry (Zechariah 9)
14.    Betrayed by a Friend (Psalm 41)
15.    Sold for Thirty Pieces of Silver (Zechariah 11)
16.    Accused by False Witness (Psalm 35)
17.    Silent to Accusations (Isaiah 5)
18.    Spat Upon and Smitten (Isaiah 50)
19.    Hated Without Reason (Zechariah 11)
20.    Vicarious Sacrifice (Isaiah 53)
21.    Crucified with Malefactors (Isaiah 53)
22.    Pierced Through His Hands and Feet (Zechariah 12)
23.    Scorned and Mocked (Psalm 22)
24.    Given Vinegar and Gall (Psalm 69)
25.    Prayer for His Enemies (Psalm 109)