Sunday, 11 December 2011


  • MY IDEAS FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF NIGERIA                                 (—Tolulope Ahmed)

    1.      Make the Vision of the Nation as Clear and as Simple as Possible (and then CONSTANTLY and CONTINUOUSLY remind the Nation of the Vision):
    The FIRST task of leadership is to DEFINE its vision/purpose/dream/goal(s). The Vision of Nigeria should always be broadcasted in the MEDIA and taught in SCHOOLS (Primary, Secondary and Tertiary) as a TRADITION. Students and Pupils must be able to RECITE the Nigerian DREAM! When every citizen is aware of the Nigerian Dream, then it becomes easy to work together with the citizens to accomplish the vision. "Without the vision, the people will perish".

    2.      Make Information and Communications Technology (ICT) part of our academic curriculum:
    We are presently in the information age. Some even say we are in the Communications Age (or Digital Age or the Age of the Internet and Mobile Technology). In this Age, ICT is the driver of economy. ICT (Computers, Internet, Mobile Technology, etc.) have become a BIG PLATFORM where almost everything run (in order to function at its best). Most especially, the INTERNET has become the master KEY in this Communications Age. ICT should not only be a course that undergraduates should be studying. It should be like English and Mathematics—it should be a compulsory subject all throughout O level. At least the BASICS of ICT must be part of our academic curriculum!

    3.      Make Financial Education part of our academic curriculum:
    What makes people CREATE wealth is not their talent or career. What makes them CREATE wealth is Business/Finance Skills! These skills take time and real life practical experience to BUILD! The world of Business/Money is a big world that requires serious EDUCATION to understand it. Our Curriculum can fast-track the acquisition of Business/Finance Education and Skills by upcoming generation if it's part of it just like English, Mathematics and ICT are part of our curriculum.

    4.      Devise a plan to ensure people are paid PER HOUR!
    If all our employees are paid based on what they produced with their time, production will really increase in every sector of the economy. This means the salaries of people will defer, not just because of different positions, but by how much contribution/results a person was able to give within 30 days.

    5.      Invest greatly in People Development:
    This is the greatest investment we can make to sustain our economy in Nigeria. How? I have a few Ideas:
    > There are organizations that have visions towards the development of the nation through people development. Use them! For example: Generis Solutions, Visible Impacts, PraiseFowowe International, Reading Awareness Society (RASDA), The New Nigeria Club, www,, Save Nigeria Group, etc.

    To be continued…

    If you believe these ideas can work for our nations,
    If you have more ideas to share with the government,
    If you believe in the Nigerian Dream,
    Please forward these Ideas and other helpful ones to the government in your area, at the State level and at the Federal Level. This could be a way you could contribute to the development of this nation.

    You can send it to the Government officials Facebook inbox, post it on your wall, post in different Facebook groups, post it on twitter, Google+, MySpace, LinkedIn, etc. Just ensure you are always putting out useful information that can help our nation altogether.

    Tolulope Ahmed,
    Author, 10 Laws of Academic Excellence,
    Network Marketer, Avenues to Wealth, Nigeria.
                +2348033924595   |  +2348156924520
    BlackBerry PIN: 22559139

1 comment:

  1. Please forward this to other for them to at least be aware of them.
    Thank you!
