Sunday, 11 December 2011


The Ways of Building Wealth
1.      You can become rich by marrying someone for his or her moneyBut we all understand what kind of person marries for money, right?

2.      By becoming a crookto do this successfully you have to associate with other crooks. If you ever make a mistake, you either go to jail or your partners will punish you in their own efficient ways.

3.      By becoming greedy—by saving, hoarding money whenever it comes. Taking advantage of people. This kind of person has the mindset “Wealth can never go round; for me to win, others have to lose.”

4.      By becoming cheappeople who try to live below their means. Here you hoard money, pinching pennies, shopping at sales, just to acquire masses of money. Having more money and living like a peasant does not make much sense. People like this make money their masters instead of learning how to become masters of money.

5.      Through hard work (a job)This is someone with a good job and high pay, but he cannot afford to stop working. Hard workers often have a hard time enjoying their money and life. This is because their time is often DIRECTLY exchange for the money. People who work harder and harder for their income only do it to be taxed more and more.

6.      By being exceptionally smart, talented or giftedHere, you have athletes and Movie stars. But Statistics show that 65% of all professional athletes are broke 5 years after their high paying professional careers are over.

7.      By being LuckyYou do this by participating in lotteries, promos, etc. But for one person to be lucky, we must have thousands (maybe millions) of unlucky people. Studies also show that they become broke 5 years later.

8.      By inheriting moneyBy the time you are in your twenties, you should know if you are going to inherit anything. If otherwise, you need to find some other way to become rich.

9.      By investingIt takes money and strong financial education to invest and build wealth. If you are not financially educated and trained to be an investor, you can also lose everything you've invested.

10. By building a businessBill Gates built Microsoft, Michael Dell created Dell Computers, Ford built the Ford Motor Company, etc. However, it is the riskiest way of becoming rich. And because more money are spent to keep the systems in place—advertising, rising above competitors, training, support, etc., It is still no guarantee that one will become rich. Or…

11. By Building a Network Marketing Business 
 [The Business of the 21st Century]
            This is a new and revolutionary way to build wealth. If you will quickly glance over the first 10 ways of becoming rich above, you may notice that the focus is self-centred. They all focus on WHO becomes rich. Even a big business focuses on only a few selected people becoming rich. It doesn't mean they are greedy people altogether, but in most cases, the focus is NOT on a lot of people becoming rich...the focus is on the individual becoming rich.

A Network Marketing system is set up to make it possible for anyone to share in the wealth. It is a democratic way of wealth creation. It’s a business for people who love to help other people create wealth. It’s a way to become rich by being abundant and generous. It has the lowest cost of entry and a great training program. It’s a business school where you must be willing to continuously learn and selflessly keep teaching (and training) others—developing others and improving their lives as you also develop and improve—and they can do the same to others thereby providing an economic value that grows exponentially. The income potential in a network marketing business is, in theory, unlimited.

Network marketing is the fastest growing business model in the world today. It has exploded throughout the world but only few people can see it. And because we’ve passed the Industrial age and have moved into the Information (and Communications) Age, Network Marketing is the next line of business success in the future. The main reason why I’ve put this [write up] together is because I’m sure of what I’m talking about. Network marketing is the Business of the 21st Century!
Start now by visiting now!

                                                                                                                                Tolulope Ahmed,
To learn many things you still need to know, kindly call immediately: 08033924595 | 08180020944 |  08156924520
BlackBerry PIN: 22559139
[Excerpted from “Business School for People who love helping People” by Robert T. Kiyosaki with a little additions]
You can also begin a network marketing business now at

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